Two Locations
100 S. Cooper St.
Ann Arbor,MI
4335 Jackson Rd
CALL 517-879-4241
High Deductible Plans
We will take the time to confirm your insurance is active, copay amount and current deductible at the time of your visit. If your deductible is not met then payment TOWARDS your deductible is required at the time of your visit. We will use your insurance fee schedule and charge the contracted amount but also submit the claim to the insurance. If an over-payment is made then a refund check will be sent and if not enough was collected a statement will be mailed
New Patient Information
In order to serve you better and faster we have provided our new patient information and medical history forms online. Print the PDF and complete both of these forms prior to coming in to save yourself time in your initial visits.
After all the forms print, fill out the New Patient Intake forms and bring your new patient forms with you 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
In order for us to provide excellent care we would like to limit the risk of our patients losing their treatment slots, as well would like to be able to accommodate our patients who need urgent appointments. As a PCMH-n provider we have to provide same day appointments and provide access to your urgent patients.
Cancellation Policy
• If you choice to cancel your appointment please give 24 hour notice and allow another patient to fill that time. If you are a “no show”, forget or call after 24 hours a $25 fee will be charged.
• If you re-schedule and/ or cancel your appointment 3 consecutive times you will be discharged from the practice.
No Show Fees
• If you are scheduled and do not show up for your appointment a $25 “no show” fee will be charged. We ask our patients to respect our time and patient access.
• This fee must be paid prior to the next appointment.
Fee for Service
• All copays are due at the time of service
Our office values all our patients and their time. Our policies are in effect in order for us to allow urgent access and excellent care.