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100 S. Cooper St.
Ann Arbor,MI
4335 Jackson Rd
CALL 517-879-4241

Puncture Wound
Puncture wounds are not the same as cuts. A puncture wound has a small entry hole caused by a pointed object, such as a nail that you...
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Shin Splints
Shin splints is a term to describe pain and swelling in the front of the lower legs. The pain usually appears after and is aggravated by...
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Plantar Fibroma
A plantar fibroma is a fibrous knot (nodule) in the arch of the foot. It is embedded within the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that...
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Ingrown Nail ( matrixectomy )
Ingrown nails are a very common problem and seen daily at our practice. When a toenail is ingrown, it is curved and grows into the skin,...
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Bunion ( hallux abducto valgus )
Bunions are one of the most common conditions we treat everyday. Even though bunions are a common foot deformity, there are...
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Ankle Equinus ( contract of tendon )
No other condition of the foot is responsible for long lasting acute and chronic pain. Equinus is a condition in which the upward bending...
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Drop Foot
Drop foot refers to the inability to lift the front part of one’s foot off the ground when walking, resulting in a scuffing or dragging...
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High Arch Foot ( pes cavus)
Cavus foot ( high arch foot) is a condition in which the foot has a very high arch. The high-arched foot places an excessive amount of...
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Capsulitis in the Foot & Ankle
Joints are formed by two adjacent bones and these joints are covered by a capsule where. The capsule prevents the joint fluid from...
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Gout of the Foot & Ankle
Gout is a common form of arthritis affecting the foot. Gout attacks are due to precipitation and collection of excess uric acid which...
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Osteoarthritis of the Foot & Ankle
Osteoarthritis is a condition that results in destruction of joints and can cause pain and even disability in severe cases. Any joint of...
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Brachymetatarsia is a condition affecting the foot in which one of the metatarsal bones remains shorter than the rest. This results in a...
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Neuropathy is a condition in which the peripheral nerves are damaged and not functioning adequately. The most common causes of neuropathy...
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Reconstruction/ Talar Spatial Frames
External fixation devices are a marvel of medical advancement which provides a unique way of addressing lower extremity deformity. The...
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Sports Injuries
Sporting injuries are very common in the athletic population and also in the ‘weekend warrior’ athlete. These injuries can cause...
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Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotics are vital in most foot and ankle conditions. Foot structure, genetics, work activity and shoe choice are just some of...
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Ankle Fractures
Ankle Fractures are one of the most common lower extremity fractures. These fractures can cause gross deformities and long term...
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Trauma Injuries
Traumatic injuries to the lower extremity are very common. These injuries can result in long term consequences if not addressed...
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Flatfoot ( pes planus )
Flat foot deformity is a progressive deformity of the foot. 20-30%of the population suffers from this but not everyone is symptomatic....
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Bursitis of the Foot & Ankle
Bony prominences of the body are protected with soft tissue and fluid-filled sacs called Bursae. These sacs act as cushions near the...
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